anaheim angels playoff appearances

In Anaheim, a Welcome and a Lesson for Pujols -
Anaheim Ducks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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Mar 25, 2010. 2010 L.A. Angels Of Anaheim Handicapping Preview. I see another playoff appearance in the cards. Angels Prediction: First, American .
2.1 Texas Rangers; 2.2 Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim .. Wilson is just the sxith player in major league baseball history to go eight straight postseason starts .
Mar 6, 2013. Five questions: Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. called up baseball's best prospect and he went on to have one of the best seasons in the history of the game.. They missed the playoffs even though they won 89 games.
. postseason. Entering the Series, he was 6-0 in eight previous playoff appearances.. What will the Anaheim Angels do after winning their first World Series? - Angels move into baseball limelight, finally.
Top Five Wins Leaders in Los Angeles Angels History - Yahoo! Voices.
anaheim angels playoff appearances
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Los Angeles Angels: Ranking the Top 20 Pitchers in Angels History.
Whereas the 2002 World Series was the Anaheim Angels' first appearance in the . Whereas Tim Salmon made his first playoff appearance in 10 seasons as a .
4 days ago. Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim MLB Game at Angel Stadium of. six playoff appearances, including the Angels' first World Series title in 2002.