senator john kerry staff salaries

John Kerry Donates 5 Percent Of Salary To Charity - The Inquisitr.
senator john kerry staff salaries
senator john kerry staff salaries
Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) Staff Directory - LegiStorm.
Senator John Kerry (D-Massachusetts) - Personal Financial Disclosure.
Detailed, up-to-date and accurate congressional contact and .
Apr 4, 2013. The announcements that Secretary of State John Kerry, the richest Cabinet. The former Massachusetts senator was worth more than $184 million at. percent of her salary to foundations that benefit Homeland Security staff.
Jan 30, 2013. Deval Patrick has selected his former Patrick chief-of-staff William “Mo” Cowan to serve as. Scott Brown says he won't run for John Kerry's U.S. Senate seat · Elizabeth .. IRS to pay $70M in employee bonuses: Senator says.
Emotional John Kerry bids farewell to Senate as he preps for.
Senator John Kerry (D-Massachusetts) - Staff salaries 10/01/2010.
John Kerry - Bio, News, Photos - Washington Times.
John Kerry - Boston, MA - Government Official | Facebook. The official John Kerry fan page, managed by his staff.. Senator John Kerry went to the Senate floor to pay tribute to the life of Senator .
Apr 4, 2013. Secretary of State John Kerry, the richest member of President Barack. Instead, Kerry is donating his 5 percent to a charity for department employees.. of their salaries, but that amounts to just four percent of the Senate.
Apr 4, 2013. In solidarity with government employees facing the effects of the mandatory. As Secretary of State, Kerry earns an annual salary of $183,500, and 5. Speaker John Boehner, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and Senate .
He and his running mate Senator John Edwards lost the race, finishing 35 .. Meanwhile, Kerry's staff began their own investigations and, on October 14, issued .. an $87 billion supplemental appropriations bill to pay for the subsequent war.
John Kerry on the Issues on John Kerry; Cabinet members.. Survey of 2008 Senate campaign websites 2008 MA .. Restore pay-as-you-go for fiscal discipline.. (Jun 2011); Provide benefits to domestic partners of Federal employees.
John F. Kerry - Facebook.
John Kerry - Boston, MA - Government Official | Facebook.
Senator's wealth was long in coming and not always carried.